
Elk hunters put a lot of thought, planning, and resources into their hunting expeditions. It’s a lot of work, especially if you take a DIY approach, which is why a successful elk hunt is a cherished moment that will likely remain in the memory for the rest of the hunter's lifetime. But, when that long-anticipated harvest is complete, you have a brand new challenge ahead — what to do with all that elk meat?! 
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Just hearing the word “fall” always brings to mind images of spectacular foliage. Forested valleys and mountains ablaze in jewel-like shades of reds, oranges and yellows are a natural phenomenon unique to the fall season. Fall also happens to be a delightful time to go hiking, with cooler temperatures and a certain crispness to the air.

The most famous region for fall foliage in the United States is New England, closely rivaled by the Appalachians. However, there are amazing destinations all across the country where you can admire the seasonal woodland scenery from equally excellent hiking trails. The following destinations are all ideal for doing just that. 

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Birdwatching is a fantastic outdoor hobby, and one of the best things about it is that you can do it anywhere, even without any special equipment. However, it is definitely more rewarding if you gather at least the most essential birdwatching gear. Doing so will help you admire and learn about all the birds you spot around your home and while out and about, and is definitely worth a small investment.

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